Tuesday, July 24, 2012

7 uncomplicated Steps to Creating Your Mission and vision Statement

Heights Finance - 7 uncomplicated Steps to Creating Your Mission and vision Statement
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Heights Finance! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

With the end of the year approaching, why not begin now to think ahead?  Plan what you want to accomplish in your life in 2010 now.

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How is 7 uncomplicated Steps to Creating Your Mission and vision Statement

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Heights Finance.

A personal vision and mission statement is the deal you make with yourself that this is who you want to be, how you want to act, what you will and will not do, and how you want to appear in the world. Think of it as a living, breathing document that will most likely turn over the years.

Step 1

Take out a pen and paper and make a list of the things that you do well.  What have others praised you about?  Things that you do well might comprise skills, talents, characteristics, qualities and the unique way you approach life.  List the things about you that make you feel happy and proud of yourself.  Some examples are:  "I am a supportive friend", "I have a fabulous sense of humor", and "I am well organized".

Please add to the list as added things come to your mind over the next few days.

Step 2

Now on to identifying your core values.

You do have values that govern your life, whether you recognize this or not.  These values have affect over how you make decisions. Your core values furnish an indication of what is foremost to you, how you view the world, and what you believe in.  Your values (or principles) operate your behavior.

a)  To get you started on identifying your core values, read the following list and circle 10 values that you would like to see more of during the next six months:

Achievement,   Celebration,   Autonomy,   Adventure,   Compassion,   Beauty,   Aspiration,   Faith,   Courage,   Authenticity,   Generosity,   Diversity,   Challenge,   Harmony,   Education,   Creativity,   Honor,   Fitness,   Determination,   Humor,   Friendship,   Efficiency,   Inner Peace,   Health,   Empowerment,   Intuition,   Imagination,   Gentleness,   Merit,   Joy,   Honesty,   Openness,   Leisure,   Integrity,   Persistence,   Life,   Knowledge,   Prestige,   Money,   Leadership,   Punctuality,   Performance,   Legacy,   Recognition,   Play,   Love,   Self-worth,   Privacy, Peace,   Serenity,   Quality,   Pride,   Simplicity,   Security,   Prosperity,   Trust,   Stability,   Respect,   Wisdom,   Survival

b)  Now read through the values that you circled and place a check mark beside the three values you most want more of within the next six months.

c)  Out of these three values, which do you desire the most?  You want more of this value in your life than any others.  It is called your core value.

c)  Write your core value in huge letters below.

Step 3

Now on to selecting verbs that most excite and inspire you.  Verbs are actions words.  

a)  Please read the list below (or add your own) and circle 15 actions you want to do more of during the next six months:

accomplish,  acquire,   adopt,   advance,   affect,   believe,   brighten,   build,   cause,   choose,   claim,  collect,   combine,   communicate,    complete,   compose,   conceive,   connect,   counsel,   create,   decide,   defend,   delight,   deliver,   demonstrate,   direct,   discover.    discuss,   distribute,   draft,   educate,   embrace,     encourage,   endow,   engage,   engineer,   enhance,   enlighten,   enlist,   enliven,  entertain,   envision,   evaluate,   excite,   explore,   express,   facilitate,   finance,   foster,   gather,   generate,   give,   grant,   heal,   hold,   identify,   ignite,   illuminate,   implement,   improve,   improvise,   inspire,   integrate,   involve,   launch,   lead,   mature,   measure,   model,   motivate,   negotiate,   nurture,   organize,   participate,  perform,  persuade, play, possess, practice,   prepare,   promote,   provide,   realize,   receive,   reclaim,   reduce,   refine,   reflect,   reform,   regard,   relate,   restore,   safeguard,   save,   share,   speak,   stand,   support,   sustain,   take,   team,   touch,   trade,   translate,   travel,   understand,   uphold,   utilize,   validate,   value,   verbalize,   volunteer,   worship,   write,   yield       

b)  Now read all of the words you circled and place a check mark beside seven verbs that cause a reaction--a sound in your head.  A reaction for you might be your stomach growling or a warm feeling in your chest.  Those are the words that you want to put check marks beside.

c)  Look at the words with check marks and circle the three actions you would most like to do more of in the next six months.

d)  Write your three verbs below:
____________________,  ____________________,   ____________________

Step 4

You have prime your cores value and your verbs (actions).  We need to connect them and see if they pass the compatibility test.

a).  change your verbs from Step 3 to the lines below.

b).  change your core value from Step 2 onto the line below.

Combine each of your verbs (actions) with the core value that you prime to see if they harmonize when they appear together in a sentence or phrase.

If one or more verbs do not make sense after being paired with the core value that you selected, it is foremost to decide which of the two words ring more "true" to who you are. Keep that word, then set aside the other, and search for a stronger word to replace it. One of the alternate words you prime may be a better fit. It is foremost to pinpoint what it is about the word that you like.  Does is recount what you easily want to do?

My Mission Is To:

______________________________,     (verb from Step 3)

______________________________,     (verb from Step 3)

______________________________,     (verb from Step 3)

______________________________.     (core value from Step 2)

Step 5

Now the task is to recognize the causes (or tribes) that inspire you.  Being clear on whom you easily want to serve, inspire, learn from, and impact in a distinct way creates a strong mission statement.  What is it that you easily believe in?  Are there exact groups of people, organizations or causes that you are meticulous about serving or helping?   What are you passionate about?

The list below provides examples of groups or causes (tribes). Select  the three that most request for retrial to you.

Addiction (alcohol, drug, etc.),   house issues,   Children,   Immigration,   condition Care,   Elderly,   Poverty,   Energy,   Environment,   Education,   Agriculture,   Gender equity,   Homeless,   Justice System,   Government,   Nutrition,   Law,   Politics,   News,   Veterans,   Journalism,   Performing arts,   Sexuality Issues,   Art,   Literature,   Music,   Design,   Sports,   Food,   Ill & Disabled,   Synagogues,   Computer technology,   Safety,   society development,   Spirituality,   Labor relation,   Minorities,   Home condition care,   Food security,   Printing & publishing,   Women's issues,   Tourism,   Organizational development,   Religion,   Gardening,   Defense,   Literacy,   Reproductive issues,   Broadcasting,   Space exploration,   Border issues,   Biotech,   Youth,   Animal rights,   Civil rights issues,   group safety,   Non-profit agencies,   Animal care,   Child protection,   Churches,   Animal protection,   Human Rights, Childcare,   Infants,   Orphans & vulnerable  children,   Labor relations,   Justice,   Governance,   Disabilities/Special needs

Step 6

You have now identified your actions, values and passions, and it is finally time to pull it all together into your mission statement. Your mission is the sum of your verbs, core value and tribes.

Please take a few moments to reflect upon what you have done up until now and think about what you easily want to be, do and have. What purpose do you have for your life? Listen to your still, small inner voice within and using your verbs, values and tribes, write down what your heart is saying.

You simply need to add your 'tribe" data to the work that you completed in Step 4 to write a one to two sentence mission statement.

A good mission statement is inspiring, exciting, clear, true and engaging. As you read the statement you have formulated, ask yourself the following questions:

Is this you? Is this true? Does this make sense? Is this inspiring? Does this excite you? Are you willing to have your life be about this and this only? Is this something you can do in discrete environments(work, home, alone, group gatherings)? Write your final mission statement below:

When your mission statement is complete, write down small actions you will do this week to begin living your mission.  Break the big things down into smaller tasks.  Start with very easy tasks that you will supervene through on and complete easily.

Some examples:

Initiate a telephone call to set an appointment with someone with data you need accomplish an Internet search on  a subject Enroll in a Pilates class Get together with a supportive group of population to brainstorm Begin meditating every other day for the next week Beginning right away is vital.  Many experts would propose you to take at least one operation within the 24 hours.   Follow-through is very important.

Jot down  the baby steps you will take within 24 hours:




Mission Complete.  Congratulations!

Step 7

While the Mission Statement that you created is a succinct declaration of your life purpose, the vision Statement is a succinct declaration of the unique manner in which you will accomplish your purpose.

Imagine yourself 10 times braver.  The fear is gone!  everything you do is a success.  You cannot fail.  Breathe in your glorious future.

I believe that we should recap the vision Statement as though we are stating what we easily see, feel, and hear after we comprehend our ideal outcome.  reply the following questions in the gift tense.  Make it emotional and add a lot of detail.   For example, "It is three years from now Friday afternoon and I am happy and smiling as I leave work".

Imagine it is Friday afternoon, three years from now.

Where are you (city/town and state)? What are you doing on this Friday afternoon.  recap it all. Is there music playing? What do you hear? What are you looking at? What do you taste?? What do you smell? What sensations do you have in your body? What thoughts are you thinking? Where do you live (house, apartment, trailer, tent) What population and animals live with you? What are you wearing? What did you do for fun last weekend? What are you planning to do this weekend? Describe in detail your ideal work setting, ideal workday, and ideal co-workers.  If you do not work, recap your ideal day.

Now you have industrialized the big picture for your life.  This will help you remain focused and piquant in the right direction even when life's distractions pop up.  Your vision statement need not be written in stone.    Who knows, you may have an epiphany and want to total rewrite your statement.  I propose that you recap it once per quarter to decide if it is still aligned with your desired outcome.

"Shoot for the moon! Even if you miss, you'll still be among the stars." ~ Les Brown

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